It’s true that when I travel somewhere, I easily fall in love and want to move there. This happend (again) quite recently when we went to Ibiza. Me and Jim packed are carry on and headed off for some sunshine, the snow had finally proved to much. I don’t know if it was the weather we left at home or the fact that when we arrived the heat was warm and the light was soft, but it  had subtly already  left its mark.

Over the next few days as we drove around, with no schedules planned, just the two of us, sun shining,  swimming in the sea  I totally wanted to move. Maybe it was the simplicities of being able to get from one side of the island to the other in a day ,or making a pack up lunch to eat on the beach or just being near the sea, or just having time together, but whatever it was it worked.

We had never been to Ibiza before, but we know we’ll definitely go back. Here are just  few pictures from our trip.

blogBlog-8We decided to walk down by the sea before we went out for dinner. I’m so glad we did because the light was beautiful!
Blog-2Whats the point in having a self time if you don’t use it! 😉
Blog-4 blog-7 Blog-5 Blog-6

…see what I mean about that light….. 
Blog-9 BLOG-12Blog-17One of the best things about getting up early and hitting the road, is that you get the beach all to yourself.

Blog-15 Blog-130 Blog-16My mini mobile office for the day.
Blog-19This was the mariner at San Antonio.

We really do LOVE Ibiza.
Blog-27 Blog-22 Blog-24 Blog-26 Blog-28 Blog-29 blog-30 Blog-31 blog-34 Blog-36 Blog-35 Blog-38 blog-40 Blog-44I love churches. I think they’re really pretty, especially ones like this. Just plain and simple.
Blog-45 BLOG-47Blog-49 Blog-51 Blog-52 Blog-53 Blog-55Blog-48

For our last night we went to Giri Cafe for dinner, it was amazing. It was their first night opening for the season, so they were trying out a few dishes with us, and we didn’t mind one bit!

Blog-57 BLOG-59 blog-60 Blog-56 Blog-64 Blog-67For our last day, we decided to spend some time in the Old Town. First we went for a drive, to a viewpoint to over look the Town.

Blog-68 Blog-69 Blog-70We then explored all the streets in between the Old Town walls.

blog-71 blog-73 BLOG-72 blog-76 BLOG-77This little pooch, Coco, was the most cutest thing I’ve ever seen.. He literally fell in love with my trouser leg – and wouldn’t leave it alone. to the point where he followed us twice…. in the end we had to get a neighbour to hold him, whilst we went down a side path. But I could have so put him in my handbag to take home 😉
blog-75This is one of my last frames from the trip. Up on the walls of the Old Town, Eivissa. Its a beautifull little Island  steeped in history and I cant wait to go back and visit some more of it.