3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot.

There is something new that has been running for a couple of months around here now andI absolutely love it. My monthly Elevate Branding Sessions.  These sessions are:

Women who want frequent fresh content more regularly
Who don’t need a full branding session
Who need a more affordable option
Who like to be in a supportive group of women
Who are ready to elevate their business presence and show up.

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot

The shoot takes place in and round the city with 3 different locations as backdrops. I advise having 2-3 outfit changes to maximise the shoot and get the most from it. The aim of the game here is variety. But, what should you wear and how do change on the go in the city with no changing room?

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot

So lets start with first, what should you wear? You are going to want to be wearing something first and foremost that makes you feel good. We all have a few pieces in our wardrobe that make us feel like we got a little pep in our step, right? It doesn’t have to be the fanciest, but it does have to make you feel good. So, first I’d go through your wardrobe and pick 6/7 outfits combos that you love.

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot

Next, we’re going to filter that down to 3 outfits in a couple of ways. Out of the outfits that you have chosen, which ones match your brand and what you are trying to convey? You will most likely be wanting to be showcase your personality through you brand. So you’ll want to blend a mix of vibes from your wardrobe. Clothing that is ‘you’ will make you feel so much more confident on a shoot and help you connect more with the audience that will want to work with you.

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot

You may choose colours that connect with your brand to keep things cohesive. You may want some show stopping outfits for big launches that you have coming up. So, alongside finding outfits that make you feel confident you also want to think about where and why you will be using these images. What is your message that you are conveying and where will they be placed? Website. Social. Marketing? The list is endless but only you know how they are going to be most effective.

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot

I personally would recommend a blend of something smarter through to casual to cover an array of conversation touch points and use. For this particular shoot, seeing as we are on location with no changing facilities we also need to be able to change on the go. So again looking at our choices that we have picked before filtering we also need to make sure for this particular set up that we can change from one to the other without the need to get naked. Or, if you are fine with that – ignore me and choose whatever you want 😉

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot

A tip for changing from dresses to jean etc wearing footless tights/light leggings under dresses and a vest top. Even If the elements are a bit tricky you can quickly be in vest top to go from a jumper to a dress.

Below is a an example of 3 outfits that I would choose for a shoot and how easy it is to go from one to the other.

3 Outfit ideas to wear to a branding shoot video -Click HERE


I hope this helped give you an idea of how you can Bring your own personalilty into the shoots and how choosing outfits that can be changed easily will make things a bit more fluid on the day. Do you have any other tips for changing outfits on the go? I would love to hear them. Drop them in the comments.


Would you like a little more information about branding shoots, check out this post here.

Want to dive into a branding shoot?

If you dont know If you are ready for a shoot yet, take a look through my Instagram and blog to get more of feel about how they feel.