I’m always kind of complaining joking  when we get back from trips that there are never enough pictures of me us. Typically I’m always behind the camera, which to be honest is fine, because I like to just have fun, snap away and capture people and things. I love it. However, when we get back from all these lovely places I’m in a handful. And I mean a handful. I always give excuses that there was no one to take a picture. I didn’t have the right outfit on. I looked to big. My hair was lame. Yada Yada Yada. Well that excuse just got squashed. Utterly & completely, by my parents. They enjoyed our wedding location so much that they booked a little trip back and honesty – my papa has no problem getting someone to take a picture of him and mum. I love it and it’s made me want to quit with the excuses and just enjoy it – however they turn out. So when we’re away this time I’m going take a selfie or a timer, every.single.day. Yup, no more excuses – just pictures of me and Jimbo.

*exception to the above was honeymoon. I went batsh*t crazy on honeymoon taking selfies of us. Come on – we were in Paris! *

This is one of self timers. This was taken in Bordeaux a couple of years ago. One of my favourite cities to visit.

