Bolton Abbey Engagement Shoot.
At the beginning of this shoot Jon told mentioned that he wasn’t really looking forward to it, being in front of the camera wasn’t really his thing. This is my favourite kind of start to the day because I love being able to change their mind to a shift of maybe not loving being in front of the camera but being comfortable at least. And I’m happy to say that at the end of this he was 😉
I met Helen and Jon at Bolton Abbey, a beautiful country estate in Yorkshire. It boasts ridiculous country scenes, Abbeys, Old Churches and scenic walks through woods and by the river. Even though Jon said he wasn’t too comfortable they were both naturals from the start. I love it when I get a range of pictures for my couples, some cute, laughing a little more serious. But, whatever it is I’m trying to get I make sure it’s natural to them.
Helen and Jon are so much fun. Aside from being über easy on the eye, they are the nicest of people. I love it when we all have a genuinely good time. You may also recognise them from Nicola & Rob’s wedding at Ripley Castle, Helen is Rob’s brother.
I’m just under a couple of weeks I’ll be seeing them again for their wedding at Bowcliffe Hall and I know it’s going to be ridiculously good fun! Here are just a few from our shoot.