It just so happens that I like to surround myself with pretty great people. Good, funny, creative,happy, just good people. One of these people Laura, the lady behind Sonny and Beagle blog – if you don’t follow it you should – especially new mum’s. Anyhow, recently created a wreath for her house and I love it. I wanted to make one for my house as well so I did. They are both a little different but the basics are the same.
I went to the woods near my house and collected branches that had fallen onto the floor. I wanted it all to be foraged, and not be pulling anything off that hadn’t already left the tree by its own accord. I know that I wanted my wreath to be quite big so I looked for long branches/twigs, with a little bit of bend, to make a circle. As fate would have it, I also did a tip run the same morning and found that someone had dumped a whole load of spruce into one of the bins, so I asked the men if I could take it – they said yes – another mans trash and all that!
So, to start making it I separated my wood from the green.
I then placed my wood in a basic layout to how I wanted the form to be.
I got some garden wire (mine was £3.99 from B&Q) and started to tie it around the wood at certain points. There is no right or wrong, just feel your way round the wreath and you’ll know where you need to tie.
Once I had my circle I started laying on my spruce, and then again tying where I felt the need, where it would hold best. I didn’t do it too tight as I wanted it to be quite natural looking.
You can then make a little tie with the wire at the top for hanging. I just did a basic double loop.
Once I had all my spruce on I was just going to hang it up. But then I saw the eucyluotus and berries I had already bought a few days earlier and thought they’d look quite nice as well, so I added them across the bottom. And to me it just made it pop.
It now hangs pretty on my dining room wall. How long it will last I’m not sure, but for a bit of time and effort I think its worth it.
You could use whatever you find at home – baubles, berries from the garden – pine cones etc. You could also ask down at the Christmas Tree section at B&Q or the local tree shops if they have any left over spruce cuttings. Or just keep your eyes peeled at the skip.
I can’t wait for December 1st to arrive, I plan to start getting very festive -which basically means a pot of mulled wine on the go at all times.