When I go online, look through magazines or go into shops I am a sucker for great style and design. When items or  anything is displayed in a way to get your attention, you are so much more likely to purchase, or click through to someones site. Just take Pinterest as an example. You are so much more likely to pin something that catches your eye and  probably continue on to someones site if the styling and images are good. If you shop on Etsy, the well presented items tend to make you think that they are the better purchase options. Am I right? So why should we not apply these proven methods to our own products?

If you create your own items and want to sell them, using simple lighting techniques and shooting approaches can make them so much more sellable – and who doesn’t want to sell more?!

The sewing session, photographing your craft

On 12th October I will be running a photography  morning workshop at The Sewing Sessions base. The course is only £35 and it will cover a range of topics to help you create better images, such as:

* Different types of light and their advantages

* How to use your available light

* Styling tips

* How to create basic backdrops

* How to save images and resolutions for web size use

* Rule of thirds

* How to shoot your craft for you client and make your craft more sellable

* A basic guide to editing

The course is only for the morning but will be packed with super helpful information and tips to take photographing your images to the next level. Even if you only use an Smartphone, you will pick up handy hints.

If you would like to book your space be quick, there are only 8 spaces available and you can book through The Sewing Sessions website here.  

Looking forward to seeing you there.

N x