Staying motivated isn’t always easy, on days like today. It’s one of those days where you want to wrap yourself up and hibernate. But let’s be honest, we can’t always do that as much as we would like – everyday life needs to be taken care of and business jobs need to be done. Technically I’m still in my ‘quiet’ period of work, but that just means I’m not shooting countless times a week. Even though I’m slower I still need a way to keep myself motivated and creative juices flowing so I’ve been trying to incorporate the following into my days:
- Exercise. Yesterday was another not so quite amazing weather day and I really didn’t want to go out. But, I forced myself. I wrapped up and headed out for a stroll, where I ended up doing 5.5K. Not a crazy huge distance, but it’s better than the zero amount I could have ended up doing.
- Tick something of your to do list. We all have list’s that we keep, and that seem to keep growing. But by tackling one of those things a day and eating that frog you’ll still feel really productive.
- Enjoy your time. The reason most of work for ourselves is mainly so that we can have a life-style that serves us and makes us enjoy our time more. I recently spent a pretty otherwise gloomy morning reading. I was enjoying my book so thought that I would take a couple of hours out in the morning to finish it.
- Re-access. Right now is the perfect time to be strategizing and making plans for the rest of the year if you haven’t already done it. What are the goals that you want to achieve this year – where do you want to travel to? What do you want to accomplish in the home? Set some goals with dates to achieve them by.
- Start your creativity. This could be as simple as trying a new recipe. Taken your camera out on a walk. Learning a language or an instrument. Book a course on something you have been wanting to try. Stirring the mind and trying something new is never a bad thing at all!
If you can do all 5 in a day, I’d say that it’s not a bad way to be!
Happy Wednesday!