Why you need brand photography.
Im a nutshell brand photography is creating imagery which ‘shows-off’ a brand to potential customers. Brand photography tells the story of who you are, what you do and why you do it, and in doing so it will attract your ideal clients and make you sales.
I know that this is something that people but off the priority list, but having photography for your brand is a must. We live in a ridiculously visual world, where people and there brands are shown via a pleathora of various platforms.
If you were looking for a certain product and find 2 websites who sold the same product or service, but, website 1 was slow, didn’t have styled imagery, anything that visually enticed you and the images they did have were poor quality would you buy? What if website 2 had the same product but styled beautifully and you could see the maker and where they worked and the images were high quality and cohesive – where would your investment go? I know where mine would go. I would be on the second website buying their products because I would feel more confident and would clearly be able the see the value of my investment. Thats why you need brand photography.
There a so many different locations that you can choose for your brand photography shoot, you can browse the short list here.
What I don’t want you to have is this amazing business, with a great service and products but low sales because your visuals are not strong enough to match your message or your competition. Brand photography does an amazing job of showing your clients what they can expect. Taking them through that customer journey so they feel confident and ready to buy.
If you are wondering how do you prep for a photoshoot or get confident for your shoot, check out the blog post here & here.
If you would like to consider or find out more about a brand photoshoot I offer 2 services. One for the full works which covers all bases and the second is more express to create touch points for your social, about me, bios etc. You can get the whole shabang details here and the express service here.
Ive included some pictures below from previous branding shoots.