So the snow has gone… and it actually feels like we could have a Spring! But, I thought I would post some pictures of a little bi of fun me and a friend had the other week. We got together for no other reason that to dress up and have a bit of a play – even nearing 30 girls still do this! I was  on a walk back from coffee with parents the other week, when we walked past an abandoned Cricket club, complete with an armchair and an empty bottle of red. So, I called Laura, and asked if she fancied playing dress-up in the snow, and she did!

When you begin to consciously look for backgrounds for images, you start to see them every where and to be honest can become like an obsession. The amount of times I have been somewhere and wished a had someone to photograph,so sometimes you just have to get out there and do it yourself.

Don’t be afraid to try a spot your unfamiliar with, or looks different to your usual style. Step out of the box, own your idea and above all have fun with it!

Here are a few images from us having fun in the snow.
