Last month I kicked off the year in the best way possible – with a wedding!! I joined John and Lucy with their friends and family as they promised forever. Together. The morning of their wedding albeit frosty and cold was beautiful. The sun was shining and when I arrived for bridal preparations they was bubbly being popped and  plenty of laughing. I can honestly say that Lucy smiled and laughed from the morning all the way through to the evening. Their reception was held at the beautiful Holdsworth House with a party that lasted well into the night!

Applying your own mascara  – its a girl thing.

The perfect fragrance for a wedding day.

This was the moment her oldest friend saw her in her wedding dress for the first time. Love this.


The fabulous bridesmaids. La la love the colour of these dresses.

This is such a brilliant reaction to seeing her husband to be for the first time.

Dinner was followed by some very funny speeches and some heartfelt ones too.

After speeches whilst guests were mingling the room was transformed for the night.

John and Lucy has a signing book, and provided a polaroid for people to put their picture in next to the message.
Then finally the evening started with the first dance leading for an evening of all night dancing! 

John and Lucy thank you for such a brilliant day. If you would like to see more of their day click here. (the slide contains flash so wont be viewable on all devices)