I got the email reminder from the airline this week – 90 days until your flight. 90 days until I’m married to  Jim, and become a Mrs. 90.Days. Well, it’s actually less than that now.I’m definitely not losing sleep yet, but my mind is starting to race when I’m going to bed. The fact that I haven’t seen my venue in the flesh yet is making me a teeny bit anxious. But,I’m sure that it will all be fine. Better than fine!!

We had to make a last-minute change to our venue due to structural issues with our original plan. And when they say things happen for a reason, I think it’s true. Where we are at now – we have a sea view all day, which is a pretty great bonus. We’ve booked a trip back next month to finalise everything which is quite a good feeling and gives me a cut off point. From  the end of March all I want to be doing is getting excited and updating my holiday wardrobe!! Are you planning your wedding?How’s it going? xx



Happy Monday everyone! xx