When a photographer asks you to photograph them, for some reason it makes me nervous. This is my friend Kirsten,one of the first photographer friends I met.  Kirsten is a gem…….and she asked me to photograph her and her love. It didn’t matter the rain was falling slightly. They were far to happy to care.

She is very beautiful. Inside and out…
Kirsten-and-Ray-4 And is very happy with her love. Ray.Kirsten-and-Ray-8 Taking pictures of Kirsten and Ray was a pleasure. The way they hold each other naturally and laugh together easily makes me smile.Kirsten-and-Ray-18 Kirsten-and-Ray-3 Kirsten-and-Ray-6 Kirsten-and-Ray-7 Kirsten-and-Ray-2 Kirsten-and-Ray-5 Kirsten-and-Ray-14 Kirsten-and-Ray-17Kirsten and Ray, thank you, thank you for being brilliant. x x
