October has arrived. Which means summer is officially over and autumn is about to get into full swing. And just like the month has switched over it seems the weather has too. The sun may still be out but there is a slight chill in the wind. But, that is totally fine with me. I’m a lover of all the seasons but there is something nice about having a proper excuse to layer up, light some fires and start to slow down.

That is what my October is all about. Slowing down. We have a of trip away planned, and the odd night out but apart from that I’m going to be a home bird. Making this house more of a home. Cooking, working on new projects – vamping up the blog. I want to write more, make more but some how do less. In a nutshell I want to live a bit more wholesome. I’m kind of past rushing about all the time. So, new season, new pace.


autumn apples

My wedding season is starting to turn down for the winter, which in some respects can be a bit daunting, but it’s also a little bit welcome. I’m working on all sorts for next years couples and when it comes for getting back in the craziness again I’ll be well and truly ready. I have a list a long as my arms of things that I want to do. Business wise. House wise  – lifestyle wise. And in truth it can feel a little over whelming where to start. So that’s where I am at the moment, planning on how I can actually start things. You’ll probably be seeing a lot more of my posts as well as I’m dedicated to a FULL month of 5 day weeks blogging. So let’s see how this goes.

Here’s to slow but full week.
