I honestly don’t know where the week goes sometimes. I plan to blog the full 5 days Monday through Thursday but sometimes the time just seems to disappear. Must.Try.Harder.  With the temperatures hitting the minuses at the minute and everywhere been cold I thought I would take your attention to a warmer climate. California. Ah,I love this place and really cant wait to go back. Its seems to have just the right mix of everything. Cool-quirky-style-fun-relax-sun-sea-sand – oh did I mention sun? But, it also has a lot of very cool photographers. In fact I would say that 80% of the people I follow are based here. I’ve definitely heard it said before that ‘oh those California togs don’t have to worry about the weather’  but they do. They might not have rain as frequent as us but they have plenty of sun, and with sun comes  a LOT of light, which can be hard to make work for you.

But when you can make that sun work for you, you can get some beautiful images. Love Ala does just this. She makes the sun work for her and create, what I think, are beautiful images. There is something about her pictures that makes me fall more in love with this art. Not every image is always pin sharp but is always full of emotion. It just looks good. But don’t just take my word for it. Have a look at her blog and treat your self to some sunshine…

Here are a few instant eye warmers from our trip there last year…

Happy Wednesday x