I love the countdown to Christmas. I love seeing the trees go up, the decorations come out and all the good stuff that goes with it – like mulled wine.  I have started my own little tradition, which is Christmas Workshops at Ivy Florist. Every year they hold a few days when they teach you to make centerpieces and wreaths. Last year  I made a centrepiece – this year a wreath.

I am so not as organised as last year – my tree isn’t even up yet. But by the end of the week that will all be different. Bing Crosby will soon be heard from my stereo.

So, when you arrive at  the shop, you have your own designated space with all the tools you need for the evening.

Ivy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas WorkshopIvy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas Workshop After a demonstration of how to actually make the wreath we get to choose what we would like to add from a huge choice of things and get to starting. All whilst sipping on some hot mulled wine.

Ivy-Florist-Christmas-Wreath-Workshop-6This year I was feeling a little glitzy, so I went for a bit of sparkle. Why not?!

Ivy-Florist-Christmas-Wreath-Workshop-10I opted for a silver bow, with some orange, cinnamon, pine cones and glitter baubles. What I love most about making fresh pieces is the smell. When you walk into a room it smells great – hopefully, I will be greeting my something similar at my front door.

Ivy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas WorkshopI think when something is done well it inspires you. The Ivy Florist is so pretty that you cant help but walk away with a little something extra for the house. I came away with a new candle holder, and some fresh flowers. And with the help of my new recipe book I am going to try a little bit harder to make fresh flowers a bit more of a personal display that just the pre bought bouquets from the shops….

Ivy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas Workshop Ivy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas Workshop Ivy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas Workshop Ivy florist pudsey; Leeds florist; Christmas Workshop; Ivy FLorist Christmas WorkshopThe ladies at Ivy Florist  ( Sofia & Claire) are so nice, and just when you attend their workshop. They are some of the nicest people I have worked with and can recommend their work to anyone. Why not go down to the shop, get inspired and create something beautiful for your home. Or wedding 😉 x