I sat there with my eyes closed trying to think of anything that would distract me from the noise that was being made in my mouth. It sounded like my dad’s drill was being used!I used to pride my self on having no problems with my teeth. Now, in place of my pride I have  two fillings. When  I came home from the Dentist yesterday I felt like my mouth was the size of a ballon, I had been anesthetised – twice. I couldn’t speak with out a slur and for the following 5 hours I couldn’t eat or drink. A great way to spend your Tuesday! But thats life, in the next few days i’ll forget the awful feeling in my mouth, will be able to eat again like an adult and will probably laugh about it.

I thought I would leave you with a few snaps of life of late via my Iphone.. I’m loving having some fun with Instagram.

Happy Wednesday.. xx