It occurred to me recently that when you arrive here, at my blog, you don’t get to know instantly who I am, what I do and just information in general. Well pretty soon that is all going to be changing and I can’t wait.  But in the meantime I thought I would tell you a little about me…

So, I’m Natasha Cadman. A lifestyle photographer from Leeds, Yorkshire who specialises  in wedding photography. I have been running my own business since 2011 and haven’t looked back. I live with my boyfriend Jim (or James if we are being formal) and our two fluff balls Geppetto & Figaro. We recently bought our first home and to say I love it is an understatement. We are currently working on renovating and even though it can get really annoying sometimes – it’s still a lot of fun to do. When Im not working or photographing I am always doing something. I’m not too good at doing nothing. My current projects are updating the summer house to a whisky snug & completing a silk Kimono.

I started blogging years ago and at first it was exclusively for me. To document my journey of change. When I started out I had no one else reading it  – mainly because I had no clients and really no other creatives as such to do things with. Now, things have changed slightly. My couples find me here and follow me here. It’s an extension of  not just my work, but my life and a place I get to interact with people. Things have changed, but at the heart of it, it is still for me. To document my up’s and down’s on this never ending learning path of photography and running a business.



Even though this blog currently serves it’s purpose as a source for people to view my work and get to know a bit more about me.( albeit they have to scroll through posts) I want it to be much more than that. I want it to be a hub. I want people to be able to get lost here for a while and connect with other people and make friends. I want potential couples and creatives a like to come here and get lost even if only for a few moments.

Lately, just a couple of weekends ago I accomplished a goal. A big one. I taught my first workshop – a paying one at that. I had a classroom of 7 students and helped them understand light, their cameras and styling a little better. I was so nervous leading up to it. And even though sometimes I felt that my words were not going to come out  – they did – and it went well. The feedback was great and I was happy that I had ticked off a major goal and took on a challenge that did exactly that – challenge me.

When people leave this blog I want them to go away feeling inspired. Even if it’s just  a new perspective, a thought for the day, a smile, or their head whizzing with ideas. Or even leading to make an enquiry to hire me. Inspiration is what I want you to take away from here and I can’t wait to get things of that manner rolling.


Happy Tuesday x